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Being Jewish did not make us better athletes, but the bonds we formed during the games we played did help make us better Jews.

-- U.S. Senator Herb Kohl, Owner Milwaukee Bucks

Source: The Jewish Sports Hall of Fame

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Shalom Sports- The Jewish Sports League Management Site - Banner Advertising and Design

Shalom Sports reaches a unique demographic of active young Jews.

  • See results Get new visitors to your site.
  • Track your results with a our free login tool you can track your ad's effectiveness and make adjustments.
  • Flexible options You can buy small packages depending on your needs. If you desire, we will work with you to create a custom program.
    Sign up here Plans begin as low as $10.

    Getting the Most From your Ads

    Following these basic guidelines can dramatically increase your banner ads' effectiveness (and the rate at which they are clicked):

    1. Be professional: People are going to get their first impressions of your website based on your banner ad, so you need to be certain that it presents you in the best possible manner. This means you should be extra careful that all your spelling and grammar are correct. Also, select font sizes, styles and colors that maximize your ad's readability. If your banner ad is of poor quality, people will assume your website is too.

    2. Ask for an action: What do you want people who see your banner ad to do? Most likely, first and foremost, you want them to simply click on it, so be sure your ad says so. Because this is so important, most of the banner ad designs already have a "call to action" (such as "Click Now") built in.

    3. Keep it simple: Your banner ad may only have a few seconds to make its impact on the viewer. As a result, it must be able to convey your message in a small amount of time. By keeping your ad's concept and wording clear and concise, you increase the likelihood that the viewer will actually get your message. Remember, if the viewer can't easily and quickly understand what your banner ad is saying, it is unlikely he/she will click on it. Use the fewest (and most simple) words you can. Just because you can fit more words in your ad doesn't mean you should. Once someone clicks to your website, you'll have ample opportunity to provide more details.

    4. Use words that raise attention or emotion: Words like "free", "special offer", "secrets", etc. help grab the viewer's attention and increase his/her curiosity in your offer. Try this technique: pretend you are reading your banner ad's text for the first time: would YOU be interested in or excited about what it offers? If not, then most people probably wouldn't be either.

    5. Emphasize benefits, not features: What is the difference between a "benefit" and a "feature"? In simple terms, a "feature" is a service or an aspect of a service that you offer. A "benefit" is the actual impact it has on your customer. Let's say your site offers income tax services. Which of these is more enticing: "We speciallize in finding deductions" a feature) or "Pay less tax" (the benefit)? Advertisers realized long ago that more than anything else people want to know how your product/service can improve their lives.

    6. I need someone to design the banner for me! That is not a problem. Typically BASIC banners can be designed quickly, and are FREE to all members of Shalom Sports- The Jewish Sports League Management Site. You just provide your logo or artwork, and the general message following the guidelines given above! It's that simple! For more aggressive banners, a nominal fee may be assessed. These include animation, FLASH, or interactive.

    7. But, I don't have a WEB page! That is not a problem. For a nominal fee, a web page can be created for you for the duration of your advertisement plan. You may either provide a standard HTML formatted page, or one can be designed for you. Webspace will be provided. Your fee will cover the cost of design, Web space on Shalom Sports- The Jewish Sports League Management Site and links to your page. Please specify addtional notes when you Manual Sign Up!

  • Banner Specifications
    Skyscraper - 120X120, 120X300, 120X600
    Standard - 480X60
    Skyscraper Banner
    • Size in pixels - 120X120, 120X300, 120X600
    • Maximum Filesize - 15K
    • File Format - GIF, JPG, or SWF
    • Animation is allowed
    Standard Banner
    • Size in Pixels - 480X60
    • Maximum Filesize - 15K
    • File Format - GIF, JPG, or SWF
    • Animation is allowed
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    You can syndicate our news using the file backend.php or ultramode.txt
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