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Dodgers Hall of Fame pitcher Sandy Koufax did not pitch in the opening game of the 1965 World Series because the game fell on Yom Kippur. Don Drysdale, who pitched in Koufax' place, gave up 7 runs in 2 and 2/3 innings.

"I bet right now you are wishing that I was Jewish, too,"

-- Don Drysdale to manager Walt Alston

Source: Center for Sport and Jewish Life

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Top 5 reasons to Advertise on
Fundraising IdeasPosted: Thursday, May 04 offers a unique audience of Jewish Sports enthusiasts. There are many reasons to advertise with us, here's just five:

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Grand Slam: Four Lessons Your Business Can Learn from a Charity
Fundraising IdeasPosted: Wednesday, August 24

Otsar Grand Slam Event Unfortunately, there are too many needy people in our community. There are many organizations trying to help but between the legitimate and the not so legitimate all trying to fundraise their messages get blurred. But Otsar, an organization that provides programs and services for children and adults with developmental disabilities, has found a way to break through the clutter to highlight their worthy cause. Below are the four bases why their plan works and how your business can learn from them.

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Shalom Sports Integrates Cafe Press into League Sites
Fundraising IdeasPosted: Friday, April 22

Leagues using Shalom Sports can now advertise their Cafe Press items right on their sites automatically by adding the cafe press block.

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More fundraising ideas for your league
Fundraising IdeasPosted: Sunday, April 17

Shalom sports is now an affiliate of It is a site dedicated to supplying your league with product and service options to earn money. You sell their products then you get a commission.

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Make Money Selling League Merchandise
Fundraising IdeasPosted: Monday, March 14

CafePress enables leagues and teams to sell a wide variety of products online with zero upfront costs. They provide all the necessary tools and services for you to design your own products and online shop without investing in any inventory or software!

It's all free- sign up now!

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