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My horse's jockey was hitting the horse. The horse turns around and says "Why are you hitting me, there is nobody behind us!"

-- Henny Youngman

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Did Jews Invent Basketball?
Jews in SportsPosted: Thursday, December 28

The Jewish Week article How The Jews ‘Invented’ Basketball details a new documentary set to premier early in 2007.

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Three Jews Drafted by the NBA
Jews in SportsPosted: Thursday, June 29

In the 2006 National Basketball Association Draft three Jews were taken:

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The Jewish World Cup Team
Jews in SportsPosted: Monday, June 19

It may not be a full Jewish team in the world cup but the coach, Jose Pekerman, and one player, Juan Pablo Sorin, on the Argentine team are Jewish. <a href="">Argentine soccer team sports key Jewish members</a>

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Humorous Jewish Sporting Tales
Jews in SportsPosted: Friday, April 28

On the occasion of Purim, the traditional time to cast things in a humorous light, The Center for Sport and Jewish Life has posted It’s to laugh: Jewish sporting tales.

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Kobe the best Jewish basketball player ever?
Jews in SportsPosted: Sunday, April 09

The Jewish Journal quotes an interesting exchange with Laker's star Kobe Bryant who said he “wouldn’t mind being Jewish.” in an article entitled: And We Wouldn’t Mind $100 Million

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Winter Olympics - Yids to Root For
Jews in SportsPosted: Friday, February 10's blog lists the Jews of the winter olympics

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Do sporting events have ethical value?
Jews in SportsPosted: Wednesday, February 01

Q. In a recent column you write that the Talmud identifies ancient sporting events as "the seat of the scoffers." Is this relevant to modern-day sports as well?

Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir, The Jewish Ethicist responds.

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Vikings New Jewish Owner Set To Win Super Bowl
Jews in SportsPosted: Friday, June 10

Last week's purchase of the Minnesota Vikings NFL franchise for USD 600 million by a group led by Zygmunt Wilf of New Jersey may have determined the Super Bowl winner. The last 4 super bowl winning owners have been Jewish: Robert Kraft (New England Patriots) 3x and Malcolm Glazer (Tampa Bay Buccaneers). Maybe Wilf is counting on that.

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The Next Great Jewish Sport: Log Rolling?
Jews in SportsPosted: Wednesday, June 08

The Frozen Chosen (as Minnesota Jews often call themselves) at the Jewish Community Center of the Greater St. Paul Area have introduced a new sport class: Log Rolling.

"The sport is growing quite a bit," said Jamie Fischer, who last year won the log-rolling and boom-run world championships and helps teach the class along with Robin Feickert.

Feickert said some of her students are getting good enough at log rolling that they are competing in local and regional competitions that have sprung up in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

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Fighter refuses to fight- on shabat
Jews in SportsPosted: Monday, June 06

North Philadelphia junior middleweight prospect Anthony "The Messenger" Thompson, will not fight on sabath. No if ands or butts. He's having trouble getting fights but he stick to his faith.

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