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Dodgers Hall of Fame pitcher Sandy Koufax did not pitch in the opening game of the 1965 World Series because the game fell on Yom Kippur. Don Drysdale, who pitched in Koufax' place, gave up 7 runs in 2 and 2/3 innings.

"I bet right now you are wishing that I was Jewish, too,"

-- Don Drysdale to manager Walt Alston

Source: Center for Sport and Jewish Life

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League Organizers

League Organizers

From creating the league to entering stats and news League Organizers can run all their league functions in one place.

* Tournaments- Easily create cool looking bracketed tournaments

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* Create a draft- Create and run a draft with just a few clicks. You set the rounds and the type (snake, strait) and it's done.

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* League Records- Your leagues' records are automatically generated and tracked.

* Notes and pictures- You can put notes on Leagues, seasons, games, teams and players.

* Standings- Autogenerating Standings. There are three levels to sort by enabling you account for tie breakers.

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Published on: 2005-04-20 (6325 reads)

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