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Jewish Sports Quotes
Being Jewish did not make us better athletes, but the bonds we formed during the games we played did help make us better Jews.

-- U.S. Senator Herb Kohl, Owner Milwaukee Bucks

Source: The Jewish Sports Hall of Fame

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The Jewish approach to God is that God gives individuals strength to excel in whatever they do. But it’s not a very Jewish view of God to think that He’s really concerned with which team is going to win.

Rabbi Jonathan Siger at UF’s Hillel
Source: Alligator Sports
Elaine Dickinson: Would you like something to read?
Lady: Do you have anything light?
Elaine Dickinson: How about this leaflet, "Famous Jewish Sports Legends?"

Airplane! (1980)
Source: IvyChat
What is so great about athletics in general or sports is that, in many ways, it does the same work that religions do. I think that’s why there is a certain compatibility. The fact of the matter is the hard work and the teamwork and the constant struggle for self-improvement is very similar to what most religious traditions teach. So they’re not mutually exclusive by any stretch of the imagination.

Rabbi Jonathan Siger at UF’s Hillel
Source: Alligator Sports
Commenting on a visit to the local JCC, he wondered about the sign on the basketball court which read: "No dunking". "Tell me, is that sign really necessary?"

NBA Hall of Famer Kevin McHale
Source: Center for Sport and Jewish Life

Dodgers Hall of Fame pitcher Sandy Koufax did not pitch in the opening game of the 1965 World Series because the game fell on Yom Kippur. Don Drysdale, who pitched in Koufax' place, gave up 7 runs in 2 and 2/3 innings.

"I bet right now you are wishing that I was Jewish, too,"

Don Drysdale to manager Walt Alston
Source: Center for Sport and Jewish Life
We're on the map. We are staying on the map, not only in sports, but in everything.

Maccabi player Tal Brody on the improbable 1977 Maccabi Euroleague championship

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